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Flash Forward Alumni Spotlight: Liban Salah

Flash Forward Alumni Spotlight: Liban Salah

Alumni: Liban Salah, Todd Beamer High School c/o 2021 

Alumni Liban Salah, TBHS c/o 2021
Liban Salah recently graduated from Todd Beamer High School in 2021, ranking at the top of his class by earning over a 3.5 GPA. Not even two years of remote learning could slow his academic progress or pursuit of realizing his college and career plans. After all, success for him would also mean success for his family who moved to the US when Salah was twelve for better opportunities.  

Salah’s focus and determination have paid off. Following high school graduation, he landed a paid internship with Federal Way Public Schools (FWPS) as a Student IT Technician and will soon start Seattle Central Community College’s IT program in the spring — an advancement he has meticulously prepared for through Year Up. After completing his associate degree, he plans to earn his bachelor's degree in computer science. 

We caught up with Liban to learn more about his experience matriculating through FWPS, his current internship position, and his future aspirations.

Interview (Q&A)

FWPS: Did you start school in Federal Way Public Schools? 

Liban: I started [Todd] Beamer as a Freshman. 


FWPS: What kind of student were you? 

Liban: I was the kind of student that would always try to put my best foot forward. So, whether that would be making sure I connect with the teachers if I didn’t understand something, always going to other people that support me like the career center teachers — I was always around them making sure that if I didn’t understand something, that I would be the one that would go out of my comfort zone to ask for help and do the best that I could possibly do to be a great student. 


FWPS: Did you participate in any extracurricular activities at Todd Beamer? 

Liban: Yes, I did the National Honors Society which was for students who had a 3.0 GPA or higher. I also participated in soccer — I played for the varsity Todd Beamer varsity team — and also Key Club which was a community service club. 


FWPS: When did you first become interested in computers? 

Since I came to the United States. Everything in our daily life consists of using some sort of technology — whether to communicate or develop new things. I knew technology was not something that would be around, but it would be around forever, and it would always be getting bigger and bigger. 


FWPS: Today, you work in FWPS’ IT department. How did that happen? 

Liban: I first started this internship in the summer of 2019. Ms. Nicole [Collopy] led this program called YesNetwork! at Todd Beamer where she helped students create resumes and build knowledge about how to get a job. I explained that I was always interested in IT and she told me that there was an internship at the school district. I submitted my application and resume, landed an interview, sent a thank you letter, and they called me back and told me that I got the job. I started that summer doing inventories for all the school district sites. 

After graduation, they emailed me and asked if I was coming back and now, I work through the school year as a college student. I’m doing this to make sure I get the experience of IT so that I’ll be ready and prepared for what’s upcoming for me. It’s all about learning and being developed and moving forward. 


FWPS: Why is this internship important? 

Liban: Everyone is asking for one and a half years of experience, so I’m getting that now. 


FWPS: So, what’s next? 

Liban: I applied to Green River and got accepted there, but I didn’t move forward because I knew that I wanted to do the Year Up program and they don’t work with the school yet. So, I’ll be starting Year Up this spring and will go to Seattle Central to study IT. Year Up will help me get an internship and a corporate job around Seattle within a year. I did Running Start when I was at Todd Beamer, so I have some college credits I can transfer to Seattle Central. I plan to get my associate degree and then go on to get my bachelor's in computer science. 


FWPS: What is one thing you would like to say to current FWPS students? 

Liban: Just be determined of what you want to do and be bold. If you want to do something, make sure you put your name on it. When I say that, I mean, do the best you can, you know? And always sacrifice as much as you can to make sure you accomplish what you put your mind to. 


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