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Good News January 24, 2017

  • Good News Announcements
Good News January 24, 2017

Federal Way High School hosts Speech and Debate

Over the weekend of January 13, Federal Way High School hosted a speech and debate competition. About 500 students, from about 50 schools, across four states participated in the tournament.

Federal Way Public Schools was represented by students from TAF Academy, Todd Beamer, Thomas Jefferson, and Federal Way high schools.

The Board would like to recognize the following coaches and student captains: 

  • Lois Gorne
  • Jason Woehler
  • Andrew Buchan
  • Zach Gostisha
  • Justin Kwon

 The Board would like to also acknowledge our students for placing in the tournament: 

  • Andrew Tang, champion, expository speaking
  • Avanti Bryant, champion, oratory
  • Sarah Jacob, champion, interpretive reading
  • Skyler Yesiltepe, third place, interpretive reading
  • Cindy Lee and Erica Dillard, third place, duo interpretation
  • Hakeem Shibly, third place, impromptu

This effort is in direct support of goal three of our strategic plan, active learners: engaged, empowered, critical thinkers in addition to goal four, content area competence: mastery of all subjects.

Congratulations speech scholars and coaches — we are proud of you! 

Woodmont K-8 Thunderbirds SOAR

The student-scholars and staff at Woodmont K–8 recently celebrated an exciting achievement. From the beginning of school through December 2016, 10 classes received the “Thunderbirds SOAR!” award. This award is given when the entire class is on time — and present — for 17 consecutive days.

The Board would like to recognize the following scholars for their efforts to increase attendance:

  • Jozef Watters
  • Cash Moeller
  • Chloe Frankum-Kostresh
  • Cohen Vongsady
  • Lina Walters
  • Saron Gizaw
  • Yasmin Akers
  • Riley Rann
  • Robert Oligo
  • Kaylie Nakaya

Woodmont’s focus on attendance is tied to the district-wide emphasis on goal two of the strategic plan: whole child: thriving, confident, responsible individuals. One measure of success for this goal is student-scholars participating in at least 95 percent of instructional time.

As part of this attendance effort, there is a celebration board in Woodmont’s main hall that tracks each classroom’s progress as well as pictures of its scholars.

Thank you to Woodmont for making attendance and student success a priority! Keep up the great work.

Thunderbirds and Eagles are Avid National Demonstration Schools 

We are proud to announce that Evergreen Middle School and Federal Way High School have both been re-validated as AVID National Demonstration Schools through fall of 2019!

AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a national college-prep program designed to increase the number of students who enter 4-year colleges and universities.

Evergreen and Federal Way are among a select group of schools honored as National Demonstration Schools.

The Board would like to recognize the following Staff:

From Evergreen Middle School:

  • Principal Christine Baker
  • Assistant Principal Jacob Dibley
  • Gwendolyn Rowland

 From Federal Way High School:

  • Principal Dr. Matt Oberst
  • Assistant Principal Randy Long
  • Karin Weberg

National Demonstration Schools are exemplary models of the AVID College Readiness System that undergo a rigorous validation process and are required to be re-validated every few years to ensure high levels of implementation, with quality and fidelity to AVID strategies school wide.

Congratulations, Evergreen Middle School and Federal Way High School, for your work to help scholars persist to graduation in direct support of goal five of the district strategic plan. We are proud of you! 

FWPS celebrates teacher of 50 years

The Board would like to celebrate a team member who has taught in Federal Way Public Schools for 50 years, Lois Gorne.

Lois has worked for the district since 1966. While she retired from full time teaching in 2008, she remains a fundamental part of the Federal Way Public Schools speech program — such as leading the speech competition hosted at Federal Way High School mentioned as part of an earlier Good News Announcement.

Among a lifetime of work with students, highlights include coaching speech and debate at Federal Way High School since 1976.

A colleague describes Lois as, “The most respected speech coach in the state of Washington. She is a six-diamond coach. No one else in our state is even close, her teams have won nearly ten state championships, and she has sent hundreds of students to nationals. Without Lois as a mentor I wouldn’t be near the coach I am today. I will be forever grateful.”

Lois’ commitment to educating scholars in speech and debate is in direct support of goal three of our strategic plan, active learners: engaged, empowered, critical thinkers.

Lois — the positive impact you’ve had on countless scholars, staff, and our community the past 50 years is immeasurable. Thank you!

Nautilus K-8 Scholar publishes first book at age 10

A scholar from Nautilus K–8 has published his first book at age 10!

The Board would like to recognize Blake Litton, for this accomplishment which is in direct support of strategic plan goal four: mastery of all subjects.

The 96-page book, which is self-published and available for purchase online, is about the adventures of a pair of teenagers who enter a forbidden forest behind their houses, get teleported to a cave, encounter skeletons with swords and shields and, eventually, a monster.

Blake says he decided he wanted to become an author before he came up with the idea for the book. It took him about a year to write. He set a goal of writing one chapter a week, and, except for summer break, which he took off, he diligently met his self-imposed deadlines.

Blake, we are proud of the dedication and persistence you showed to achieve this goal. Keep up the great work — we can’t wait to see where your dreams take you next! 

FWPS Security completes training

Every member of the Federal Way Public Schools Security Department has completed School Safety and Security Officer Training — a program that is accredited by the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.

This important step is in direct response to an audit recommendation to help enhance security and customer service provided to our scholars and staff. All Federal Way Public Schools security staff will take this training moving forward.

The board would like to recognize the security team:

  • Andre Jones
  • Dave Zaragoza
  • David Remmem
  • Don Tuggle
  • Greg LaCour
  • Guy Mann
  • Janice Ono
  • Jeff Aldrich
  • Jerrod Sitzler
  • Moni Tuputala
  • Parris Mamon
  • Richard Nelson
  • Sean Wilson
  • Steve Weldon
  • Tina Miller

We would also like to recognize Director of Safety and Security, Paul Vang, who brought this training to our district. Paul models this training himself and continues to raise the expectations of our safety and security department to ensure that each of our officers receives the highest level of professional training.

Supt. Campbell states Paul is a professional in every sense of the word, and embodies dedication and commitment to the safety of our scholars, staff and community.

This effort is in direct support of goal two of our district strategic plan which focuses on thriving, confident, responsible individuals and whose measure of progress is the percent of scholars who feel school is a safe and welcoming place.

Congratulations, security team, we are proud of you for taking this important training to help provide our scholars with a safe and secure learning environment!