TRS Plan 1 members who retired prior to July 22, 2007 may continue to work up to 1,040* hours per fiscal year (July 1-June 30) without impacting their retirement benefits, provided they waited at least 30 calendar days from their retirement effective date before returning to work. TRS Plan 1 members who retired on or after July 22, 2007 must be separated for at least 45 days if they plan to work up to 1,040* hours in a fiscal year.
PERS Plan 1 members who retired prior to August 1, 2003 and waited at least one calendar month before returning to work in an eligible position may continue to work up to 1,040* hours per calendar year without affecting their benefit. PERS Plan 1 members who retired on or after August 1, 2003 must wait at least 90 calendar days before returning to work in an eligible position, if they plan on working more than 867 hours and up to 1,040* hours in a calendar year without affecting their benefit.
Generally TRS and SERS Plan 2 and Plan 3 retirees who did not retire early using the 2008 Early Retirement Factors (ERF) must wait 30 consecutive calendar days after they retire before returning to work. They can work in an eligible position up to 1,040* hours per calendar year without affecting their retirement benefit.
Refer to the DRS website at DRS.WA.GOV for the publication “Thinking About Working After Retirement?” or call 1-800-547-6657 for more information on additional lifetime hour limitations and 2008 Early Retirement Factors.
* Additional lifetime hour limitations apply to hours between 867 and 1,040.