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Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)

  • What is PFML?
    • Paid Family and Medical Leave is a new benefit for Washington workers. It is a state program run by Washington’s Employment Security Department that provides paid time off when experiencing a “qualifying event” such as you or a family having a serious health condition that prevents you from working, bonding with a new child, or spending time with a family member preparing for military service overseas.  PFML does not replace the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). In many cases, PFML will run at the same time.
  • Who is Eligible for PFML?
    • To qualify for PFML you must have worked at least eight hundred twenty (820) hours in the state of Washington during the “qualifying period”.
    • Qualifying Period: Normally, the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters or, if that does not get you to the required 820 hours, the last four completed calendar quarters immediately preceding the application for leave.
  • How will I be paid while on PFML?
  • Supplemental Benefit:
    • If you belong to the following unions or are non-represented, you have what is called a “Supplemental Benefit”.
    • The Supplemental Benefit allows you to receive your full pay through the district (using your accrued wellness/sick leave) and also receive PFML at the same time. In order to utilize this benefit, you must notify the district prior to the start of your leave how many days of your accrued leave you would like to use at the beginning of your PFML. The days must be consecutive and must start at the beginning of your PFML.
  • What happens to my pay when I am only being paid through PFML? 
    • When an employee goes on PFML and either does not use their accrued leave or has depleted it, they are considered to be on unpaid leave with the district. Pay will be stopped and any remaining money that is owed to the employee from accruals will be paid out in equal payments starting that same month until August. This does not include 12-month employees, as you are paid year-to-date. If you are a 12-month employee, your pay will be stopped and you will not receive any more pay until you return. Once you return, your monthly payments will be similar to what you were making when you went out on leave, but it may not be exact.
  • How can I find out how much money I will continue to receive from the district while on PFML?
    • Ask for a Pay Projection from your Leave Specialist by emailing
  • Once I return from an unpaid leave of absence, will I go back to getting my normal monthly pay?
    • Normally, no. Depending on the length of time that you are out, your monthly pay may change when you come back, as you did not work the expected days. Pay will be calculated based on the number of work days remaining in the school year divided by the number of remaining months in the fiscal year (i.e. through August). If you want to find out your estimated pay upon return, ask for Pay Projection from your Leave specialist by emailing
  • How much time can I take off?
    • TBD
  • What happens after I submit my leave request to the district?  
    • Once you have submitted the Leave Request form, you will receive an email with your FMLA eligibility from the Leave Specialist within 5 business days.
  • When should I submit my application for PFML?  
    • After the qualifying event has happened (e.g. after baby is born, after surgery, etc.).  
  • What happens after HR has received both the Leave Request form and the Medical Certification form?  
    • Once both forms are received and the information provided is sufficient, a letter will be emailed to you and your supervisor with the dates and type of leave you are approved for within 5 business days.
  • What does HR need for me to return to work?  
    • If you are on leave for your own medical condition, you will be required to provide HR with a note from your provider that clears you to return to work. If the doctor lists restrictions, HR asks that the note is provided to us at least 3 days prior to your return date so we have time to review the restrictions and ensure that your position is able to accommodate them.
      • Up to 18 weeks of leave if your pregnancy resulted in complications (e.g. bed rest prior to delivery or C-Section)
      • Up to 16 weeks of leave when family and medical leave are used in combination (e.g. birth parent pregnancy and parental leave).
      • Up to 12 weeks of Paid Family or Medical Leave
      • ECEAP
      • PROF/TECH
      • PSE
      • FWEA-ESP
      • FWEA

How to apply for PFML?

Applying for PFML is a separate process from applying for a leave of absence with the district. Before applying for PFML, please complete the steps below to request a leave of absence with the district and then apply via Step 4.

  1. Give at least 30 days’ notice, if you know in advance of your need to take a leave of absence.
    1. If your leave is more immediate, (you know less than 30 days from the anticipated start of the leave) please request it as soon as possible
  2. Submit a leave of absence request via the link below:

  1. Print out the appropriate Medical Certification form from the list below and bring it to your provider to complete. 
  2. Visit to apply (Must wait until after the qualifying event has already happened (e.g. after baby is born, after surgery, etc.).


Medical Certification Forms:

Medical Form - Self

Medical Form - Family

Medical Form - Maternity / Paternity

Additional Information can be found at