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Leaves and Accommodations

What is the difference between FMLA and PFML?

The Federal Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is an unpaid leave entitlement that provides job and health insurance protection when eligible employees take a leave of absence for a qualifying reason.  The Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) program is a state of Washington program that provides partial wage replacement in the form of a weekly benefit paid by ESD while claiming this benefit. For employees who have worked for FWPS for 12 months and 1250 hours, PFML leave will be job and health benefits protected.

The school district determines when to designate leave as FMLA covered. Employees choose whether and when to file a PFML claim. PFML does not replace FMLA. In many cases, PFML and FMLA will run at the same time.


Must have worked 820 hours in the state of WA in the qualifying period.

Must have worked 12 months and 1,250 hours for the State of WA prior to start of FMLA leave.
Job protection

Must have worked 12 months and 1,250 hours prior to start of PFML leave.

Must have worked 12 months and 1,250 hours for the State of WA prior to start of FMLA leave.

Up to 90 percent of your average weekly wages capped at $1,427 per week.

How to apply

Apply for paid benefits online or by mail with the Employment Security Department.

Complete leave request form online. Print appropriate form for your physician to complete.
Employee notice to district

Provide written notice at least 30 days before you plan to take PFML leave (may or may not be same date you first take leave from FWPS). Provide notice as soon as you are able to if your leave is not planned.

Provide notice at least 30 days before you plan to take leave for a circumstance covered by FMLA. Provide notice as soon as you are able if your leave is not planned.
Length of leave of absence Up to 12 weeks a year can be extended depending on qualifying events. Up to 12 weeks a year can be extended depending on qualifying events.
Family Member Definition Same as FMLA, but also includes grandchildren, grandparents, siblings, in-laws.

Child, parent, spouse, state registered domestic partner.


For information on Accommodations please visit: 

Human Resources / ADA/Accommodation (

Requesting a Leave of Absence

For information regarding FMLA, visit: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

For information regarding PFML, visit: Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)

For information regarding Military Leave, Personal Leaves & other non-medical leaves visit: Non-Medical Leaves

Requesting Leave

If you are requesting medical leave (FMLA, PFML or both), complete the following steps:

  1. Give at least 30 days’ notice, if you know in advance of your need to take a leave of absence.
    1. If your leave is more immediate, (you know less than 30 days from the anticipated start of the leave) please request it as soon as possible
  2. Submit a leave of absence request via the link below:
  3. Print out the appropriate Medical Certification form from the list below and bring it to your provider to complete. 
  4. If applying for PFML: Visit to apply (Must wait until after the qualifying event has already happened (e.g. after baby is born, after surgery, etc.).   


Medical Certification Forms:

Medical Form - Self

Medical Form - Family

Medical Form - Maternity / Paternity