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How can I support my child's learning?

Title I and LAP programs encourage families to be involved in their child’s education.  Research shows that academic achievement improves significantly when parents are involved in school and at home.

Families are invited to be involved in the following ways:

For more support visit our: Office of Equity for Scholar and Family Success

  • Attend Student Led Conferences
  • Serve as a role model, showing your student that you support his/her education
  • Assist your child with schoolwork  and learning activities at home
  • Participate in school and district Title I and LAP parent events
  • Join your school’s Title I or LAP planning team
  • Volunteer in your child’s classroom or during school events
  • Engage your child in conversation about what they are learning
  • Communicate with your child’s teacher and school staff when you have questions or concern via email, phone contact, etc.

Family Resources

These are great resources to help engage families in learning:

Launchpad to Learning Resources: Login to Launchpad to access these supported apps and websites: