Title I/LAP
What are the Title I and Learning Assistance Programs (LAP)?
Title I, Part A: Closing Educational Achievement Gaps is a federal program designed to provide customized instruction and curricula that help students meet academic standards. As the oldest and largest federal education program, Title I, Part A programs build opportunities for children whose struggles often keep them on the academic sidelines.Twenty-two FWPS schools have schoolwide Title I programs.
The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) provides supplemental instruction and services to students who are not yet meeting academic standards in basic skills areas as identified by statewide, school, or district assessments or other performance measurement tools. LAP services may include academic and non-academic supports that focus on accelerating student growth and addressing barriers preventing students from accessing core instruction.
The object of both programs is to accelerate the achievement of students performing below grade level by providing supplemental academic supports, and/or behavior supports. For more information on these programs visit the Closing Educational Achievement Gaps (Title I, Part A) webpage.
Who is eligible?
The Federal Way School District uses Title I and LAP resources primarily to assist scholars who are identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s performance standards in ELA and Math. Students are identified for Title I or LAP services based on state and district assessment scores.
Title I and LAP services offered are in addition to the core curriculum provided to all students. The Federal Way Public School District has assembled a list of research-based intervention materials that have a track record of success and the district can support. Eligible students may receive support during the day, before or after school, and/or in summer school. There are several delivery models for intervention, including pull-out in small groups, push-in to serve within a classroom, a hybrid of the pull-out and push-in, and one-to-one tutorial support from a certified teacher, or trained paraprofessional.
Additional Information
Additional information about Title I and LAP (Learning Assistance Program) can be found on the following links on the OSPI website.
Program Locations
File A Complaint
Federal Way Public Schools makes every effort to resolve parent and community concerns at the school or district level. Read our District Celebrations, Concerns & Recognitions Policy.
If you feel your concern has not been adequate addressed, you can submit a citizen complaint. A citizen complaint is a written statement to OSPI alleging that a federal or state special education rule or law has been violated by a school district, another public agency serving special education students, an educational service district, or the state.
More information on this process can be found on the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for Washington State website for Filing a Citizen Complaint.