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Canvas Observer Account

K-12 Teachers are using Canvas with their class to post weekly schedules and remote learning activities with your scholar.

The Primary Parent listed in Synergy for the scholar will be added as an observer to the Canvas Class. Follow the steps below to set up your observer account and begin exploring your scholar’s learning in Canvas.

**If you need to update or add to your child's Primary Parent or have questions about Primary Parents, please contact your school office.

Click here to access the guide to create your Canvas Observer Account:

українська русскийSoomaali

Follow the steps below to learn how to create your observer account and navigate Canvas.

STEP 1: Watch this video to create your observer account in Canvas.

STEP 2: Watch this video to see how to login to Canvas as an Observer.

Use this URL to login to Canvas:

STEP 3: Watch this video to see how to navigate Canvas as an observer.

Watch this video to learn about Parent Observer Management and Customization

Click here to access the translated videos on Parent Observer Management and Customization: Español한국어русскийукраїнська.

For help or support, please contact your child's teacher or the HelpDesk at or (253) 945-2111.