Technology Resources
Teachers use various web-based programs to support learning: Launchpad to Learning, Canvas, Zoom, iReady, and Ebooks at King County Library Online. Scholars and Parents can use the links below to access videos and guides to support logins and navigation.
Tech Support
For Tech Support, contact the following:
- Wi-Fi, Laptop, ParentVUE, and Canvas or Canvas Parent Observer: Contact the ITS Help Desk at or 253-945-2111.
- Password reset: contact your school tech support or call the Help Desk.
- Technology questions about a lesson for your class: contact your teacher.
In This Section
Learning Resources Support
- Translate webpages with Google Translate or Immersive Reader
- Launchpad to Learning Scholar Support
- King County Library System Support
- Sora @ King County Library System
- Synergy ParentVUE, StudentVUE Support
- Canvas Observer Account
- How To Schedule a Scholar-Led Conference in ParentVUE
Translate webpages with Google Translate or Immersive Reader
Launchpad to Learning Scholar Support
Launchpad to Learning is the hub scholars use to access all their student online tools in one place. By using Launchpad to Learning to enter your teacher’s Canvas class for lessons and links, your attendance is verified for the school day. The great thing is that Launchpad saves your usernames and passwords for your next visit to the online tools in it.
King County Library System Support
To access these resources, go to and find the resource you want. Do NOT go directly to and click login.
Click on "Elementary Students", then:
To access online databases such as BookFlix, Britannica, Culturegrams, TumbleBook Library, click On "Need Sources such as databases for your homework or project?"
To access KCLS owned eBooks and audiobooks to read or listen to on devices, click on "eBooks and Downloadable Audiobooks for Kids" and Overdrive.
Log In when Prompted:
- Username: 210studentID
- Password: Last 4 digits of ID
Video Instructions for Accessing KCLS Online
For additional help or support, please contact your child's teacher for lesson help or the HelpDesk for computer, wifi, or password help at (253) 945-2111.
If you have questions about your account or digital access, contact your school library teacher.
Sora @ King County Library System
SORA is a resource in the Federal Way Public Schools Launchpad for learning, that offers the ability for students to explore age-appropriate digital books from a Federal Way collection or from the King County Public Library. These books can be read in a digital format from any device with an internet connection.
How to Borrow a KCLS Book in SORA
How to Access a KCLS Book in SORA
Synergy ParentVUE, StudentVUE Support
ParentVUE and StudentVUE allow parents and scholars to access important information, like attendance, grades, and more. Watch the following support videos and guides to learn more about how to use these tools. If you have additional questions or needs, please contact your school office at or on the message line 253.945.2100
Tutorial Videos
- What is Parent VUE?
- Using App Mail
- Updating Contact Info
- Adjusting Grade Notifications
- Access Documents
- View Schedules and Grades
What is Parent VUE?
This video is also available in the following languages:
- Korean: ParentVUE는 무엇이며 어떻게 사용하나요?
- Russian: Что такое ParentVUE и как его использовать?
- Spanish: ¿Qué es ParentVUE y cómo usarlo?
- Ukrainian: Що таке ParentVUE і як ним користуватися?
Guides available in PDF form for download:
Using App Mail
From a Mobile Device Browser:
- English: How to Reply from a Mobile Device
- Korean: 모바일 장치 브라우저에서 회신하는 방법
- Russian: Как ответить из браузера мобильного устройства
- Somali: Sida Looga Jawaabo Aaladaha Mobilka Browser
- Spanish: Cómo responder desde un navegador de dispositivo móvil
- Ukrainian: Як відповісти з браузера мобільного пристрою
From the Mobile Device APP:
- English: How to Reply from the Mobile Device APP
- Korean: 모바일 장치 앱에서 회신하는 방법
- Russian: Как ответить из мобильного приложения
- Somali: Sida looga jawaabo Aaladaha Mobilka APP
- Spanish: Cómo responder desde la aplicación del dispositivo móvil
- Ukrainian: Як відповісти з мобільного пристрою
Updating Contact Info
See below for additional guides available in PDF form for download:
- English: How to change your ParentVUE Primary Phone or Email
- Korean: 부모님VUE 기본 전화 또는 이메일을 변경하는 방법
- Russian: Как изменить родительский основной телефон или адрес электронной почты
- Somali: Sida loo Bedelo ParentVUE Taleefoonka Aasaasiga ah ama Email
- Spanish: Cómo cambiar su teléfono o correo electrónico principal de ParentVUE
- Ukrainian: Як змінити основний телефон або електронну пошту батьківськогоVUE
Adjusting Grade Notifications
See below for additional guides available in PDF form for download:
- English: How to Adjust Grade Notification Settings in ParentVUE
- Korean: ParentVUE에서 성적 알림 설정을 조정하는 방법
- Russian: Как настроить параметры уведомлений об оценках в ParentVUE
- Somali: Sida loo Hagaajiyo Dejinta Ogeysiinta Fasalka ee ParentVUE
- Spanish: Cómo ajustar la configuración de notificación de calificaciones en ParentVUE
- Ukrainian: Як налаштувати параметри сповіщень про оцінку в ParentVUE
Access Documents
See below for additional guides available in PDF form for download:
- English: How to Access and View Documents in ParentVUE and StudentVUE
- Dari: نحوه دسترسی و مشاهده اسناد در ParentVUE و StudentVUE
- Pashto: په ParentVUE او StudentVUE کې اسنادو ته د لاسرسي او لیدلو څرنګوالی
- Russian: Как получить доступ и просмотреть документы в ParentVUE и StudentVUE
- Spanish: Cómo acceder y ver documentos en ParentVUE y StudentVUE
- Ukrainian: Як отримати доступ і переглянути документи в ParentVUE і StudentVUE
View Schedules and Grades
This video is also available in the following languages (SUB):
- Arabic: كيفية عرض الجداول والدرجات في ParentVUE
- Chinese: 如何在 ParentVUE 中查看课程表和成绩
- Dari: نحوه مشاهده برنامه ها و نمرات در ParentVUE
- Korean: ParentVUE에서 일정 및 성적을 보는 방법
- Pashto:په ParentVUE کې مهالویش او درجې څنګه وګورئ
- Punjabi: ParentVUE ਵਿੱਚ ਸਮਾਂ-ਸਾਰਣੀ ਅਤੇ ਗ੍ਰੇਡ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਦੇਖਣੇ ਹਨ
- Somali: Sida loo arko Jadwalka iyo buundooyinka ParentVUE
- Spanish:Cómo ver horarios y calificaciones en ParentVUE
- Ukrainian: Як переглянути розклади та оцінки в ParentVUE
- Vietnamese: Cách xem thời khóa biểu và điểm số trong ParentVUE
See below for additional guides available in PDF form for download:
- English: How to Check Schedules and Grades in ParentVUE
- Dari: چگونه برای بررسی برنامه ها و درجه در ParentVUE
- Pashto: په ParentVUE کې د مهال ویش او نمرو د کتلو څنګه
- Russian: Как проверить расписания и оценки в ParentVUE
- Spanish: Cómo verificar horarios y calificaciones en ParentVUE
- Ukrainian: Як перевірити розклади та оцінки в ParentVUE
Canvas Observer Account
How To Schedule a Scholar-Led Conference in ParentVUE
Multilingual Support for the Following Languages
How to Change Video Closed Captioning (Subtitles) to your Preferred Language - CLICK HERE
To change Closed Captioning (subtitle) to your preferred language:
STEP 2: The Settings menu will then appear. Click on Subtitles/CC.
STEP 4: Click out of the menu once you have chosen your preferred language. Then click the CC button on the Video Player menu.
STEP 5: Finally, click the Play button to watch the video.
How to Schedule a Scholar-Led Conference in ParentVUE
Step-by-step guides available in PDF form for download: