Medications at School
Washington State Law permits school staff to administer medication only in limited situations. When possible, the parents/guardians and health care provider are urged to design a schedule for giving medication outside school hours. Medication is defined to mean all drugs, whether prescription or “over-the-counter” (OTC).
Prescription Medications
For a student to receive prescription medications at school, a Medication Order Form must be completed, signed by both the parent and Physician (MD, DDS, DO), and reviewed by the nurse before the student will be administered them. The form is available at your child’s school or here.
In addition:
- All medication must be non-expired, in the originally labeled container and be labeled with the student’s name. No more than a 30-day supply shall be accepted by the school.
- Medication will be brought to school by a responsible adult. All controlled drugs such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, etc. must be counted by the parent/guardian and a designated school employee before being accepted by the school. Extra medications will be destroyed if you do not arrange pick up of them by the last day of attendance.
- Medication may be administered by trained non-licensed staff.
- It will be the child’s responsibility to come to the office at the appropriate times for medication. However, efforts will be made to ensure the child is reminded as needed.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications
Students in grades 6-12:
In situations where the parent believes it is in the best interest of the student that he or she carry OTC medication, the students in grades 6-12 shall carry a copy of written permission from the parent indicating what OTC medicine and dosage the student may take. Only one day's dosage in originally labeled container shall be carried by the student. The original permission form will be on file in the health room. The OTC Medication Permission form is available at your child’s school or here.
Students in grades PK-5:
Students in grades PK-5 shall not be in possession of over-the-counter or prescription drugs or medications/remedies on school premises except in situations where the parent, physician, principal, and school nurse believe it is in the best interest of the student to carry, such as: inhalers, epi-pens and diabetic medications.
No student may give, dispense, or administer any medication or remedy to another student.
Additional Information
For more information about the Medication at School policies please visit here. (Reference Policy #3416 and #3416P)