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School Safety and Security

Keeping Students and Schools Safe

The Federal Way Public Schools has emergency and safety plans in place because we believe every student deserves a learning environment that is safe, challenging and exciting. We are committed to making our campuses havens of hope and care.
These strategies help to ensure student and staff safety on our campuses:

Students are taught to identify others in distress and are encouraged to talk with an adult immediately if they have concerns for their own safety or the safety of others.

  • We have police officers in all of our high schools.
  • We have campus security officers in all of our middle schools.
  • We have mobile security officers who service both the elementary schools and provide district-wide support.
  • We conduct intruder drills so our staff and students know what to do in the event of an emergency.
  • We are working with community agencies to provide safe and fun activities for students.
  • We acknowledge that the emotional and physical safety of students and staff is everyone’s responsibility.
  • We will continue our efforts to foster a welcoming atmosphere and promote respect on our campuses and in our neighborhoods.

Contact Us

FWPS Security Dispatch Services
Phone: 206-328-1800 (24/7 Answering and Dispatching Services)

Department of School Safety, Emergency and Risk Management
Educational Services Center
33330 8th Ave. S.
Federal Way, WA 98003

Reggie Roberts, Interim Executive Director
Office: 253-945-2292
Mobile: 253-329-8885