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Summer Connections


Join us at the third Family Academy event of the school year to learn community-based and school-based summer resources and programs available to your child through themed workshops and a resource fair.

Click to Join the Welcome Session


Registration is now closed. Families who have not registered yet may attend the event virtually through Zoom starting at 6 p.m. 
For questions, please email
Do you want to know about the summer resources, learning opportunities, and activities available to your child and family for the upcoming summer?

The Family Academy: Summer Connections event is on Thursday, February 22, from 6-7:30 p.m. at Lake Grove Elementary or via Zoom.

At the Summer Connections session, learn about community-based and school-based summer resources and programming. There will be workshops about various summer-related programs and topics, as well as a resource fair where families can visit informational booths hosted by local organizations. Be prepared to sign-up for summer opportunities and get the information you need to plan for an enriching summer for your child.  

This event will benefit families with children in any grade. Through essential conversations and authentic partnership, we can increase scholar success.

Summer Connections
Thursday, February 22, 2024
6-7:30 p.m.
Lake Grove Elementary
303 SW 308th St
Federal Way, WA 98023

Need help navigating the Zoom event?

Event Program

For In-Person participants:

Dinner is available on level 2, in the B Hallway. Childcare for children age 5 and older provided by Right At School in the Room B121. Learning Lab for children age 10 and older provided in Room B208.

For Zoom participants:

To access workshop Zoom links and resources, expand the workshop title and click the "Click to Join" button. Note: The event begins in the welcome session. All workshops have separate Zoom links. All resource fair partners are listed and linked below.


6:00-6:10 p.m.

Come together to learn about the evening's workshop, and how to best navigate the event to get the information most relevant to your child.

Click to Join

Workshops (6:15-6:50 p.m.)

Resource Fair (6:55-7:30 p.m.)

Post-Event Survey

Help us improve! Please share your thoughts about our event through this short 3-minute survey.

Take the Survey