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Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program

Who does this program serve?

Federal Way Public Schools’ Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) provides comprehensive and appropriate services for children in preschool through Grade 12 (or age 21) who are deaf & hard of hearing. This is done in the least restrictive environment possible.

What services does the program provide?

Diagnostic assessments are given to children suspected of a hearing loss. When the nature and severity of the impairment is determined, an appropriate educational setting will be recommended to the student’s parents. Some students' needs are met in a general education classroom with supplemental aids and services and/or with a sign language interpreter.

Other students thrive in a self-contained D/HH program. Students are provided an appropriate acoustical environment with FM amplification systems. Wall pilots are used at Sherwood Forest Elementary in the D/HH classrooms to synchronize personal FMs as students move from class to class. Students may be in any combination of mainstream and/or self-contained programming, based on each student’s needs and abilities.