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Grade 7

Seventh grade is an exciting time in your child’s life. Your child is growing academically and socially. This guide provides an overview of the academic standards and social-emotional milestones that your child will experience this year. Academic standards are important because they help ensure that all scholars are prepared for success. Your child understands more complex ideas. This guide is meant to support you in understanding what your child is learning, and provide ways you can speak with your child’s teacher about their progress and growth over the year.

A Guide to Your Scholar's Success

SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL - Seventh Grade Milestones

  • Adult personality begins to emerge
  • Capable of self-awareness, insight, and empathy
  • Enthusiastic and uninhibited; appear to feel secure
  • Care more about peer opinions than those of teachers and parents/guardians
  • Will initiate their own activities without adult prompting
  • Appreciate teachers who listen and respond to their suggestions for changes in routines, when realistic
  • Leadership qualities abound; need opportunities for activities, such as crossage tutoring, jobs at school, community service, etc.
  • Need access to significant adults, other than teachers and parents, who will listen to them and help them think about serious issues they or others may be facing


Q: How do I support my scholar in preparing for high school?
A: You can review the course catalog to gain understanding about the courses required for college and post-secondary work. You can also attend High School Planning nights held in the spring.
Q: How do I stay informed about my child's progress in every class they take?
A: ParentVUE allows you to see all of your child’s courses, assignments, and current grades. If you have a concern about your child’s grade, first, ask your child to speak with their teacher in that class. Your child should ask what they can do to improve the grade and make a plan to do so. If you are still concerned, contact your child’s teacher directly to see how you can support your child’s success in that class.


All scholars learn best when they experience physical and emotional safety in classrooms and schools. Scholars and families should expect to see the following adult actions: 

  • Provide a welcoming environment to support building trusting, encouraging relationships with all families.
  • Prioritize scholar voice and participation in shaping the learning and classroom culture.
  • Teach for understanding to assure scholars have high expectations and academic supports to grow intellectually.
  • Focus on scholar cooperation to encourage scholars to learn from and help others.
  • Implement school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports so that all scholars and adults live out their shared beliefs and actions that make school a safe and fun place to learn.
  • Teach social and emotional learning skills and strategies during morning meetings and reinforce SEL skills throughout the school day.

Getting Ready for College & Career

The ABC's for College & Career Readiness


Scholars who maintain good attendance through all years of school:

  • Achieve grade level standard at a higher rate
  • Graduate from high school at a higher rate
  • Develop good habits that contribute to success in school and in future careers
  • For each day a scholar is absent it takes an average of three days to catch up.

Behavior & Social Emotional Learning

The purpose behind Culturally-Responsive Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (CR-PBIS) is to make schools more effective, efficient, and equitable learning environments for all scholars. By teaching scholars expectations and acknowledging positive behavior, adults increase the predictability, consistency, positive climate, and safety of all at school. Social emotional learning lessons are taught and embedded throughout the school year. To learn more about CR-PBIS and social emotional learning at your school, contact your scholar's teacher or principal.

Course Performance

  • Grades K–2: Learning how to read
  • Grade 3: Reading on grade level
  • Grade 6–7: Passing ELA and math courses
  • Grades 8–9: Passing Algebra 1
  • Grade 9: Passing grade 9 courses earning 6 credits
  • Grades 10–12: Passing an advanced course (AP, IB, CAMBRIDGE)

High School & Beyond Plan

Scholars should begin mapping out their High School & Beyond Plans and find out about what courses to take that will lead to specific post-secondary education, training and college plans. Grade level specific High School & Beyond Checklists can be found at Scholars can also use their account to plan and discover more using interest surveys, academic planning tools and scholarships, and college and career searches. Go to, select “Sign In with Google” and use your P12 Gmail account and password.

College Bound Scholarship

The College Bound Scholarship is an early commitment of state financial aid to eligible students who enroll in middle school and meet the pledge requirements. The College Bound Scholarship covers average tuition at public college rates, some fees, and a small book allowance at over 65 colleges, universities, and technical schools in Washington. Students who meet one of the following requirements are automatically enrolled in College Bound:

  • Students who are in public school and eligible for free-and-reduced price lunch in 7th, 8th, or newly eligible in 9th grade.
  • Students who are in state foster care, or a dependent of the state between 7th grade and high school graduation.

Other Ways to Qualify

Some students do not fit into either scenario but are interested in applying for College Bound. Students and families can contact the College Bound program to apply if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • Attend a private school or homeschool program in Washington State and meet the income requirements.
  • Are in another type of foster care and not eligible for free-and-reduced price lunch.

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