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In the Clasroom

How Does SBE Work in the Classroom?

In SBE, teachers are still teaching and authentic learning is still taking place.

In order to ensure each occurs, teachers are regularly trained in methods and best practices. In addition to priority standards, the methods they use can include practice/homework and dynamic assessments to evaluate each student’s learning.


In SBE, you and your student know in advance what is necessary to meet each standard. Timely and ongoing assessments of a student’s understanding are key to the learning process. Throughout the year, teachers will be assessing students on each priority standard and identifying areas where a student or a group of students needs more attention.

Types of assessments

Assessments aren’t just about pencil and paper tests and quizzes! In standards-based instruction, there is no single, high-stakes test. An assessment is simply a tool to determine what a student knows or can do. Teachers will use both informal and formal assessments to measure progress. These can include projects, reports, tests and quizzes, presentations, daily classwork and classroom discussions, and more.

Retaking assessments

Students have more than one chance to show they have gained the knowledge and skills to meet each priority standard. There will be more than one type of assessment in order to best evaluate how much a student understands. If an assessment shows that a student doesn’t yet have the desired knowledge or skills, he or she will be able to re-do the assessment after more instruction or show understanding through a different type of assessment.

Practice & homework

Homework is not part of a student’s grade. Instead, homework is practice, and practice makes perfect!

Anytime we work to gain a new skill, practice makes us better and better. Think about it—when learning how to play soccer or the saxophone, the most important thing is practice. So, to do well in school, homework is the practice!

By doing homework, students are practicing knowledge and skills that will help them succeed in meeting the power standards. Teachers will review homework to see if the student understands the work and provide feedback. Then, if more help is needed, teachers can adjust the instruction for the student. Homework can also help students prepare for discussions in class, and other fun and important activities. If students don’t do the homework, they may not be prepared for class.

At all levels of school, it’s important that parents help students understand why they need to do their homework. Not only will they do better in school now, but also they will establish the homework habit necessary to succeed in middle school, high school and beyond.