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Standards Based Grading

A grade is the ultimate form of feedback to a student and it must be accurate. As a result, Federal Way Public Schools (FWPS) is working diligently to ensure every scholar's grade is accurate.

In our pursuit to ensure accuracy of grades, we have relied on research-based best practices, experts in the field, and we recently convened a panel of seven admissions officers from local colleges to review our approach to grading, specifically, standards-based grading and reporting (SBGR).In light of the questions raised around our efforts, we want to provide our perspective to add clarity to the work we are doing.

FWPS fully embraces input from our parents and community to ensure excellence in educating each of our 23,000 scholars. Over the past two school years, approximately 60 students, parents, teachers and principals convened to inform our current grading system. We invited our community to a forum held in January 2018 to provide valuable feedback on the committee’s work.

We stand by the work of our grading system based on research best practices, experts in the field, and input from our community to ensure accurate grades for all scholars.