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College Bound

What is College Bound?

Through the generous Washington College Grant (WA Grant), eligible College Bound students who fulfill the pledge get free public college tuition, or an equivalent amount for an approved private college or career school. Students must apply for financial aid and attend a participating college in Washington.

What is the Pledge?

As a part of the College Bound sign-up process, students pledge to do the following:

  • Graduate from a Washington State high school or homeschool program with a cumulative 2.0 GPA if they plan to attend a four-year public or private college directly after high school.
    *Beginning fall of 2023, there are no GPA requirements for students who plan to attend a community college or technical school. Students should confirm with their school if their district requires a certain GPA to graduate.
  • Get accepted to and go to one of the over 65 participating colleges, universities, or programs within one year of graduating high school.
  • Have no felony convictions.
  • Complete a financial aid application form, the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or the WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid) beginning their senior year and meet income requirements.


Who is income-eligible to receive College Bound in college?

In order to access College Bound, a family’s income must be at or below the amount in the chart for their household size. This chart changes each year. It is important that students apply for financial aid every year they plan to attend college. Students must also meet the CB Pledge requirements.
Household Size Annual Income*
1 $40,500
2 $53,00
3 $65,500
4 $78,500
5 $91,00
6 $103,500
7 $105,500
8 $108,000
*Household income must be less than or equal to this amount. Note: A CB Scholar could be eligible for College Bound funding for some years, and not eligible for others, if the family’s MFI level exceeded 65 percent in one or more years.

How do I apply?

Students who meet one of the following requirements are automatically enrolled in College Bound:

  • Students who are in public school and eligible for free-and-reduced price lunch in 7th, 8th, or newly eligible in 9th grade. To determine eligibility for FRL status, please complete the Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefit (CNEEB) Application
  • Students who are in state foster care, or a dependent of the state between 7th grade and high school graduation.

What happens next?

The program will send scholarship updates to your student’s P12 email address.” to “College Bound will send updates to you and your student at the email address and cell phone numbers we have on file.

How will I receive the scholarship?

To earn College Bound funding through Washington College Grant, students must do the following:

  • Fulfill the pledge requirements and meet state residency requirements.
  • Complete a financial aid application during senior year of high school and each year in college, and be determined as income-eligible (see table).
  • Be accepted to and attend an eligible college within one academic year of high school graduation.
  • Be in good standing at their college. This could be GPA or student code of conduct and is specific to each school.


Have additional questions?

Visit the College Bound website where you can find more information, including a helpful FAQs section. You can also speak with your school counselor.