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Good News January 23, 2018

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Good News January 23, 2018

Federal Way Public Schools Scholars excel in Speech and Debate

Over the weekend of January 12 Federal Way High School hosted a speech and debate competition. About 400 students, from about 50 schools participated in the tournament.

Federal Way Public Schools was represented by students from TAF@Saghalie, Todd Beamer, Thomas Jefferson, Decatur, and Federal Way high schools.

We'd like to thank coaches Andrew Buchan and Lois Gorne for their support in this competition.

We would like to acknowledge the following scholars who placed in the tournament:

  • Harnoop Kaur, Federal Way, champion oratory
  • Hakeem Shibly, Thomas Jefferson, 3rd place oratory
  • Avanti Bryant,  Thomas Jefferson, 2nd place interpretive reading
  • Cindy Lee, Thomas Jefferson, 3rd place interpretive reading
  • Ji In, Thomas Jefferson, 3rd place humorous interpretation
  • Andrew Tang, Thomas Jefferson, 3rd place expository speaking
  • Brianna Rund, Federal Way, 3rd place dramatic interpretation
  • Erica Dillard and Grace Scuderi, Thomas Jefferson, 2nd place duo interpretation

This effort is in direct support of goal three of our strategic plan, active learners: engaged, empowered, critical thinkers in addition to goal four, content area competence: mastery of all subjects.

Congratulations to our speech scholars and coaches — we are proud of you!

Kiwanis Club of Greater Federal Way supports FWPS scholars with book donation

Tonight we want to acknowledge our community partner, Kiwanis Club of Greater Federal Way.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Federal Way applied for, and was awarded, a $3,000 grant from the Pacific Northwest Kiwanis Foundation to support reading achievement for Federal Way Public School scholars, which supported purchase of grade level appropriate books for kindergarten through third grade for Valhalla, Mark Twain and Lakeland elementary schools. Each school received 150 books!

Also, a special thank you to Marie Sciacqua for writing the grant that made this all possible! 

The Greater Federal Way club has served the community for 43 years. The main mission of the club is to provide the scholars with self-confidence, leadership and improve their academics.

Schools can’t do it alone, and family and community engagement supports pillar two of our strategic plan. Kiwanis Club of Greater Federal Way, thank you for supporting reading in the early years — part of goal one of our strategic plan.

Panther Lake scholars achieve perfect attendance

The student-scholars and staff at Panther Lake have an exciting achievement to celebrate. From the beginning of school through January 2018, 50 scholars across grades kindergarten through fifth grade have had perfect attendance every day!

The board would like to recognize the following scholars who represent the group of 50 for their efforts to increase attendance:

  • Anaiah Faith Narag
  • Karen Johnson
  • Ishan Anoop
  • Aaryan Sharma
  • Aisha Ugas
  • Jane Johnson
  • Shaurya Sharma
  • Zaron Corprue
  • Mekaelah Epps
  • Tavake Tuilaepa
  • Ubeyda Ugas
  • Kendrick Miller
  • Jessie Hernandez

Panther Lake’s focus on attendance is tied to the district-wide emphasis on goal two of the strategic plan: whole child: thriving, confident, responsible individuals. One measure of success for this goal is student-scholars participating in at least 95 percent of instructional time.

As part of this attendance effort, each scholar who has had consecutive perfect attendance received a t-shirt acknowledging this achievement.

Thank you to Panther Lake for making attendance and student success a priority! Keep up the great work.