Good News December 12, 2017
- Good News Announcements
Todd Beamer High School Scholar-Athlete Places Third in State Competition
In November, Todd Beamer High School’s AJ Chopra finished third in the 4A state cross-country meet.
AJ completed the 5-kilometer course in 15 minutes 15.8 seconds, setting a Todd Beamer all-time and state tournament record.
Participation in extracurricular activities is in direct support of strategic plan Goal Three: Active Learners: Engaged, Empowered, Critical Thinkers.
Congratulations, we are so proud of you!
Pavilion Bus Stop Volunteers Support Scholars at Olympic View Elementary
Family engagement is very important to the success of scholars at Olympic View Elementary. We would like to recognize four volunteers who support our scholars to become thriving, confident, responsible individuals, Goal 2 of our district strategic plan.
These incredible parents and community members have developed a positive reward system with our scholars at the Pavilion Bus Stop, and it has been a huge success:
- Maria Lozano
- Francisca Martinez
- Rocio Chavez
- Fabricia Garcia
Every morning our volunteers greet each scholar as they arrive to take the bus to school. Each scholar holds a 3x5 note card and receives a stamp when they line up and show respect for themselves, their peers and the bus drivers.
Schools can’t do it alone, and family and community engagement supports pillar two of our strategic plan.
Thank you for your work to make a difference every day for our scholars!
Todd Beamer and Thomas Jefferson High Schools named co-champions
Thomas Jefferson and Todd Beamer High Schools have been named co-champions, and received the 2017–18 Fall Sportsmanship Award for the Olympic Division in the North Puget Sound League! Efforts such as this are in support of strategic plan Goal Three active learners, engaged, empowered critical thinkers.
I would like to recognize the principals and athletic directors on behalf of their schools and sports teams.
For Todd Beamer:
- Anali Weatherhead, principal
- Eric Marshall, principal
- Tim Kuykendall, athletic director
For Thomas Jefferson:
- Paul Nichols, assistant principal
- Mike Grady, athletic director
Each school was evaluated on the following categories and sports:
- Administration
- Boys and girls cross country
- Football
- Boys and girls golf
- Girls soccer
- Girls swim/dive
- Boys tennis
- Volleyball
We are so proud of our athletic staff and scholar-athletes that portrayed sportsmanship and gained the respect of fellow schools in the North Puget Sound League. Way to go!